Create Annotation Tag (ArchiLab/GeniusLoci) - Error in Line 196

Hello People

Im trying to place roomtags with the nodes:

  • Create Annotation Tag (ArchiLab)
  • Create Independent Tag (GeniusLoci)

Bad sadly those nodes returns an error: Line 196: There is no loaded tag type that can be used when tagging referenceToTag with tagmode.

The Roomtag Typ is loaded into my project. I tried other roomtags but i always end up with that error.
I dont know where i made a mistake. Im Using Revit 2018.3.

Could someone give me a helping hand? It would be much appreciated.

Best regards

Hi @akeretdavid,

Welcome to the Dynamo forum.
Can you add your room tag family (.rfa) ? It will be easier to help you with this information.

Hello Alban!

Thanks. Of course i send you the Family.
As a New Memeber i cant upload attachment. I give you the Link to my Goolge Drive:

I put anything there: Project, Dynamoscript, Roomtag Family

Thank you very much


Hi David,

It is working perfectly with an english version of Revit.

For a german version, you must translate the category names inside the custom node.


Hi Alban

Im back at the Office and i tested it and it works just fine now .

Many thanks for your Help. Have a nice Day

Best Regards