Hi guys, I hope you are doing well. I hope one of you can provide any guidance on how to achieve the following.
I am trying to create this curve label (see image):
So far, I have gotten all the related information (Delta angle, radii, tangent, curve length, and superelevation) from my alignment. However, my problem arises when I want to place this information within a curve label or at least create CAD text resembling a curve label (and place it at each curve with its corresponding info). I have tried to use the Camber package to make that label and assign it to my alignment with no success. I always get errors on my attempts.
This is the graph I’ve been working on:
Do you have any thoughts on how to create a Curve Label, add the information I pulled from the alignment to it, and then place it at each curve on my alignment? Any help is appreciated.
I am using Civil 3D 2025.1, Camber package 4.2.6
Best regards!
Hi, can you share your script?
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Hi @danielrhcursos12, sorry for my delayed response. After having many views on my post and no answers, I thought I would not receive any and did not come back to the forum for a while.
Of course, I can share the script. It is now attached to this message. This is not an urgent matter, but it is a nice to have tool.
As I mentioned, I would like to place the information I gathered within a curve label or mimic a curve label with normal ACAD text if possible. However, I have not found a viable way to do this.
My idea is not to burden the person who wants to help me but to receive guidance so I can read information, watch videos, or even get paid training to learn the knowledge I am missing and be able to do this on my own. So, any advice that puts me on the right track is appreciated.
Best regards and thanks for your reply,
CURVE LABEL2025.dyn (93.4 KB)
Hi, what is the geopackage that you use to obtain the alignment entities?
Hi @danielrhcursos12, sorry again for my delayed response. Now that I started school, I left this matter behind.
Thanks for your responses and for your willingness to help. To answer your question. As I said, I am using Civil 3D 2025.1 (and all its new nodes), Camber package 4.2.6, and Arkance Systems (although I believe I did not use them in this script)
Any ideas you come up with to create that curve label?
I appreciate any help. Best regards
Hi, I checked it and I couldn’t understand how the create table node works, but I added the equiteas as text, I hope I can help you, maybe you could add the curve number, greetings
Drawing1.dwg (1,2 MB)
CURVE LABEL2025.dyn (163,2 KB)
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Hi @danielrhcursos12, thanks again for your help. I’ll check what you shared next week, and I’ll come back and tell you my thoughts about it. Best regards!
Hi @danielrhcursos12 I want to thank you for taking the time to help me. What you did gave me the answer I was looking for, which was how to successfully create those texts one below each other. I will now place them in the middle of my curves and rotate them to have the desired appearance.
Best regards, and please let’s connect on LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/in/edgarcamilofernandezc/)
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