Creacion de Piping automatizado (Automated Piping Creation)

Pipingbycoordinates.dyn (58.4 KB)
prueba 01.xlsx (9.8 KB)
Estimada Red, esperando que esten bien les comento que desarrolle una rutina en general para crear Pipings en revirt, en base a coordenadas de Excel con los ejes x,y,z coordenadas de incio y fin para cada linea de la planificacion, las lienas las lee correctamente, y cuando escogo los pipings que es en los nodos typepipe y systemtype, tambien puedo escoger de manera sencilla, el problema es el ultimo nodo que es el MEPover este me da error es decir Null, los diametros que escojo son los que trae ya revit por defecto y estoy trabado en este ultimo nodo.

Dear Team, hoping you are well. I would like to inform you that I have developed a routine in general for creating Piping in Revit based on coordinates from an Excel file with X, Y, Z coordinates for the start and end of each line in the schedule. The lines are read correctly, and when I choose the pipings (typepipe and systemtype nodes), I can also choose them easily. The issue arises with the last node, MEPover; it gives me an error, that is, Null. The diameters I choose are the default ones in Revit, and I am stuck at this last node.

Hello @estefano.leiva i have tried you file…the reason it fail is becoarse your line is very short 0.52222 mm…here i have extend your curve and it works

Thank you very much, if yesterday afternoon with Codelco we were able to realize this problem, you reaffirm it to me, grateful for your management, please keep the routine for yourself and whatever may help you