Coud you tel me how to make the Floor of Perforated shape

Coud you tel me how to make the Floor of Perforated shape.
The Perforated shape isn’t made using the Node “Floor.ByOutlineTypeAndLevel”

Uploading: floor_2020-12-08_revit.PNG…

I believe this isn’t possible.

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but It is made if I draw manually…

That doesn’t allways mean it can be done using Dynamo.

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I see.

There is a trick in Revit.
If you start a new floor, and you are in editing mode, you can paste any 2D line you have in your clipboard. It will become a sketch line of your floor.

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I believe people use openings as you can read in this link :point_up_2:.

Thank you. But I would like to automate to make the floor of the shape made in dynamo.

Here’s an old thread that got revived recently that could have something for you:

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