From surface to floor, not creating inner boundaries

I know there are some other threads about this topic, providing the solution of creating floor openings after the floors have been created but that just doesn’t cut it for me.

I just can’t believe we cannot create inner boundaries in a floor sketch…
Maybe I’m just in denial and I need someone to tell me it’s absolutely not possible and never will be…

What I’m trying to achieve, I have a big room and got the surface from that room.
In that big room, are some smaller enclosed rooms, which I don’t want to include in the floor of that big room.
No worries, I got the surface of the big room without the smaller enclosed rooms.

But, the Floor.ByOutlineTypeAndLevel just doesn’t take multiple lines…

Creating floor openings would be my absolute last resort, since the smaller enclosed rooms are also going to get a floor and I don’t want them to overlap with the floor from the bigger room.
Creating floor openings would be risky, what if someone moves or deletes them by accident (we would have double quantities)…
I guess joining them is also not 100% waterproof, trick would be getting the join order right (and then still have the risk of double/wrong quantities)…

try group curves from archilab…

For loops think rhythm and crumble have nodes for that, but only works in 2022 and above…

@sovitek Thanks for the reply, your solution seems very promising!
Unfortunately I get an error at the node from the Rhythm package. I’ve never encountered such an error, do you have any idea how to solve it?

are you in 2022 or 2023?..really dont know…here i think we need @john_pierson he will definitely could answer :wink:
did you try crumble :wink:

@sovitek I’m working in 2022 right now
What do you mean by crumble?

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Just mean the amazing package named Crumble…by the aussie bim man :wink: sorry see i spell it wrong…my bad,sorry Gavin :wink:

aussie bim Guru @GavinCrump

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@Laura_BIMChick can you share that room?

Where can I get it? Or is it only available for 2023?

Hi soory i spell it wron is Crumple ;)))


The room is in a very big project which I’m not at liberty to share (NDA).
Purging the model or recreating the room/conditions would take too much time for me right now…

I tried out the crumple package but I’m getting a null value and I have no clue why…
Maybe I’ll try it out on a simpler project with less complicated rooms but I’m in bit of a time crunch so I’ll try to look into it deeper.

Thanks for the tip about Crumple, I saw there was also a node for ceilings, which I have been waiting/looking for, for 2 years!


Pay attention to the list level of inputs. Custom nodes probably expect a simpler list structure.
Use a Flatten node or use List Level on the inputs of the custom node :

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I’ve tried almost everyt list level combination, nothing seems to work.

Nothing seems actually wrong with the data inputs and list levels, since it also doesn’t work on the enclosed and much simpler rooms…

The regular Floor.ByOutlineTypeAndLevel does however work perfect on these…

Double check that this file (RhythmRevit2022.dll) exists here:

Sometimes the package manager throws it in the bin folder and that is wrong sadly.

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It does not exist

Where do I get this file then?

@Laura_BIMChick as @john_pierson mentioned, it’s in the bin folder:

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Yeah move it from the bin folder with dynamo and revit closes then retry and you should be good to go.


Best to read the node description and input tooltips which guide the input structure. My node expects a list of list of lists or curves (effectively the output of a list of rooms going through the finish boundary node), then either one or a list of levels/floors (it applies a longest lacing to it if its one only) and finally a single boolean.

I’ll make a video on the channel about it eventually as most people usually don’t manage to get it to work.


Wouldn’t be too hard to edit after the fact if you’re super stuck @Laura_BIMChick.