Hello Dynamo Friends
I can copy views from one document to another one with nodes like, Collector.ElementsOfCategoryInDocument and Documents.CopyElementsFromDocument. These nodes are from Rhythm.
So is there any way to also copy the detailing elements of the view? Therefore i would need something like a Collector.AllElementsInViewInDocument node.
The standard nodes don´t work with views from another document:
So is there any way to get my detail elements from the view?
Kind Regards
Hi @gerhard.p ,
Main packages have custom nodes to collect elements from linked document.
But to collect linked lines in a given view, you can use the SelectByCateOrTypeAndView node from the Genius Loci package.
I can´t believe it, that realy works
Thank you very much Alban!
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And with the right lacing also works perfectly fine for multiple views:
Hi, @gerhard.p
I’m new working with Dynamo.
Can you show me how to copy views from one document to another?
Thak you
Hello Miguel and welcome to the dynamo forum
Follow these steps:
- Create a new thread for your problem. There are so much more people than me that will offer their help
- Download the Rhythm package, it has some nodes for “CopyFromDocument” reasons.
- Post a screenshot of your current dynamo graph in your thread. Even if you only have one or two nodes, it`s a start and we will guide you through to your desired result
Kind regards
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