This part of my graph works sometimes but other times it just returns nulls and I don’t see what I’m doing wrong. I pulled the Python out of the node to see what error it throws and it says that the elements weren’t copied because they belong to a different view. It’s just a GA so I don’t see how it can belong to a different view. Maybe it has something to do with it being in a workshared file?
Are you copying from a dependent view? The parent view is usually the owner of annotation elements.
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Yep. You got it. Running it from the parent view works as intended. Thanks!
Now to see if I can have Dynamo figure out if the view is a dependent view and set the source to the parent automatically.
Haven’t tried, but you should be able to just from the available parameters.
Both Rhythm and Clockwork have nodes. Got it working by checking to see if the view is a dependent or not and then pushing the parent view if it is dependent or the view if it’s not – so far working great! Thanks for the heads up on the dependent view!
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