I want to copy details elements ( Tags , dimensions , Filled regions ) from a linked file into the host file , is there a way to do it with dynmao or python ? given that the View in the host and linked file have the same name , and the elements are identical
yeah you actuelly dont need to pick or see them, but if you wanna see them on link then set your link display as show as link view…but here i dont see them and seems to work as well
i am stuck in this for some reason it is not working with me , i appreciate your efforts with me alot tho. excuse me i am beginner in dynamo .if you have time here is the 2 revit files. what i just need : is that in file ABC.rvt in section (555) the dimensions appear as they appear in file ABC details. rvt in the section named also (555). i tried the script you sent me but i dont know why its not working with me. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/ib4h9oic1udybq9onlmdi/AIgHE74_SrGrUaviyUhGYSA?rlkey=c9hp71bb6xxhte2l2zeaooxte&dl=0
sorry i have one last question does this dynmao script works also with Tags ? because i tried to copy Tags and get the result null as in the image attached. sorry again