Copy callouts to a different project

I have a project file which got cloned. However a bunch of floor plan callouts were made in the abandoned file after the fact which I would like to copy over to the new one. The wrinkle is that the callout viewports got edited and are not simply rectangular. Also all the views are named and I’d like to copy the names over too. So my thought is that I should be able to select all Floor Plan Views, isolate those which reference parent views, select the callout, copy the boundary line, name and level, and then paste to the new project…
So far, after about 24 hours of hunt and peck, I’m up to the selecting floor plan views part. Would anyone care to take a stab at helping me identify the next nodes?

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Well like I said it’s early in the process and I’ve only managed to isolate the floor plan views. My next step is isolating which ones have parent views, and then somehow selecting the boundary curves of their viewports… Not sure how to do that yet.


I suggest you to check out View CropBox node from Genius Loci package. It allows you to get the boundary of the callout as in the image. The thing is you need to open Dynamo in the target document which you want to copy to callouts. Then using LinkElement.CopyToActiveDocument you can copy the callout boundaries to the main project. Here are steps:

  1. Open Dynamo from the target document
  2. Link the project where callouts exists
  3. Find a way to filter callout views from the linked project. Bimorphnodes packages will help you to collect all the views. (To filter, ff views have a specific naming, you can filter by name. You can also check Orientation parameter value of the views. For callout views, it should By Callout, while for normal views, it should be By ScopeBox)
  4. Use View CropBox to obtain the boundary( not sure if it works with the linked views but it is the only way I can think of that help you to copy your callout elements. Alternatively, you can try to find a way to select elements in Revit with Dynamo and copy manually )
  5. Use LinkElement.CopyToActiveDocument to copy the elements to the target project

I hope this will give an idea!

Good luck!

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Thank! It certainly is pointing me in the right direction. Am I correct in assuming that this node only works on one view at a time? That’s how it appears so far.

You can use a list of views as an input for the view.