Attempting to get corners of a room in an attempt to generate callout plans of rooms

Hi all,

I am attempting to generate callout plans of rooms using the views.createcallout node. I am a novice but my way of thinking was for the input extents, I will have to create a rectangle of each room for it to work.

So I found a couple of examples on here, but I am still having issues. My original script looked like this.

Which had errors and then I received a response suggesting this code

But after trying that I now get this error and cant get it to work.

Hoping to get some help with this. My ultimate goal is once I get this working, it would be to combine that script with internal elevation generation script (I have attached that too and it works fine)

if you require the revit file, I am happy to email that to you as its too big to upload.

Many thanks

(fyi, callouts try is my script, the other is the elevation I downloaded, I did not write it myself.

callout try.dyn (14.4 KB)

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Hello @lr-PAYNE …how about something,

Hi @sovitek thanks for the response. I have followed the above and now have a null result in boundingbox.2d node and the error in create callout

As a side note, how do I get dynamo to export as image? does it have a default directory it saves to? when I click export workspace as image,nothing happens

Hi @lr-PAYNE …are you sure you had python 2.7 package installed ? seems you miss a view in the callout node…

ywrywwy.dyn (19.6 KB)

Yes I have those packages installed.

hmmm could you share the rvt with the room…ps you need feed in a view in your calloutnode

Sure, here is a link

Very strange wortk here,

I tried it again and it still doesnt work. Although the image you have above has different nodes to what you have told me to use above? So is there a different set of nodes that you think I should use?

Dont know whats wrong then…yes its almost the same just made the option to offset the boundary…but should be the same i uploaded in post #4

Ok well thanks for all your help and time. Ill wait to see if someone else has an idea

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You have some unplaced/unbounded room could it help to clean them out…

ywrywwy.dyn (23.3 KB)

Oh, your new code has worked! I do get ‘errors’ but it still works. Now I just need to work out how to name the callout plans by the room names and also how I move the bounding box to the internal finish of the wall (so you cant see the walls) and if I can also get the bounding box to work with different shaped rooms. (have uploaded pics)

I dont want to burden you too much so I am happy to attempt to work this out myself, unless you want to I would be happy to accept help again.

Many thanks


Hi not with that node it only support rectangle and not custom sketch…ps…probably a cropped view could work for you…

Thanks again for the help, how would you change that script so it takes the room names and uses them for the title rather than taking the name from a code block?

Also would you mind uploading the script? the screenshot gets blurry when I try to zoom in to see details

Alright try something…

ywrywwy.dyn (20.4 KB)

Thanks again,

so I ran the code above but that created duplicate floor plans and names them each room and number


and they arnt cropped either like a callout plan

What I wanted to achieve was to create callout plans of each room and have the name as the room name and number. So am I right in thinking the next step is to try and combine the script above with this script below which creates call out plans

If so, how do I do this? as the extents input for the create callout node seems to want only rectangles? perhaps I am just confused but it seems like there are two scripts here that give different outcomes? So is there a way of combining the two?