Hello all,
I am working on a job where I need to provide coordinates for several elements (wall intersections, columns, etc.). With this in mind I have created a revit family with Instance shared parameters that will allow me to shedule them in Revit. My main issue is how to get that information into the family, automatically.
I’m fairly new with Dynamo so I followed a few scripts found in this forum (couldn’t find one that would apply completely to what I need) but I can’t seem to get the right coordinates accross to the family.
I’ve attach the dummy .rvt file and the .dyn. as well os a screenshot with Revit’s spot coordinate and the family’s coordinates I’m getting from dynamo. I’m using the same Survey point and Project base point on the original job.
Any help will be welcome.
Many thanks.
Write coordinates into Generic model family 03.dyn (31.1 KB)
Write coordinates into Generic model family 03.rvt (6.9 MB)