Converting CAD lines to Revit Pipes

Hi all,
I am trying to convert from CAD lines to Revit pipes. My Dynamo skill is very beginner level. I facing some issues and can not convert. Anyone could please advise or correct me where is my error.

Here is my script.

Please assist to advise me how to do. Thanks in advance.

this is the result. just lines are created.

Hello @MYAT_KAUNG_SAN01.PT is that node pipe by lines from mepover ? could you show an image with all nodes expanded…so we can see where it goes wrong…something wrong indeed as it seems you only select one curve and give you 3…or is that the cad curves on a link ? if so then try bimorph package for get the lines from link instance

Hi sovitek, Thank you for your reply and advice. Yes, it is from mepover. Below I attached the script. If you have sometime to check, Please assist to go thru. Thanks a lot.

Pipe.dyn (31.8 KB)

could you shate the cad as well


TT.dwg (34.7 KB)

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hmm works here…try check you filter by bool for systemtype and pipetype and try show an image with all nodes expanded

try with system type, system classification or sytem mame instead of type name

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Hi Sovitek,

Yes, Sir. Let me try out it. Thanks a lot for your help.

arhh sorry type name should be good…but guess sanitary is the classification name

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Now. it’s working. Sir. Thanks a lot

@sovitek Hi Sir, May I ask a question. Is there any way to trace the scanning data and convert to pipe in Revit by using dynamo? The sample photo of scanning is as below attachment,

Scanning photo

is that a pointcloud… then Sastrugi package and BriMohareb, have some nodes for that

@sovitek No Sir. The format is Geotiff format.

" GeoTIFF is format extension for storing georeference and geocoding information in a TIFF 6.0 compliant raster file by tying a raster image to a known model space or map projection . A GeoTIFF file is a TIFF 6.0 [TIFF_6] file, and inherits the file structure as described in the corresponding portion of the TIFF spec."

Hi @MYAT_KAUNG_SAN01.PT I dont know nothing about Geotiff, but try create a new topic and share all your files so far, and probably someone could bring light on that…good luck

Noted Sir

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