Convert project coordinates to Survey

In my picture, I found the survey and base locations of the piles with 2 differents methods.
The first is with Python and is short and easy.
The second method is with OOTB nodes and is more complicated.

The base and survey location nodes you’re talking about are only Watch nodes renamed.

Hi Alban,

Yea I still cant get it to work

What does the error say above the python script and above the coordinatesystembyorigin ? (in yellow)

Warning: Your inputs lie outside of the allowable modeling range, consider choosing the Extra Large setting with a modeling range between 1 and 100,000,000 from the “Settings => Geometry Working Range” dialog

Change your working range to “Extra Large” here:


Hi Jonathon,

I’m still getting that error message.

Can you add your revit project file with the piles or send it by private message ?
It will be easier to help you.

So the problem was that your Structural Foundations category contains Rebar, floor, piles and ground beams.
It’s necessary to add a filter to keep only the piles and the beams.
The beams are curves but it’s possible to find their midpoint.

Get coordinate systems of element V2.dyn (22.3 KB)

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Cheers Alban,

Really appreiciatw the help :smile:

Hi Alban,

when i tried the script you had provided here, i get the following error in python node " File “”, line 69, in
AttributeError: ‘ProjectLocation’ object has no attribute ‘get_ProjectPosition’".
i had set the range to extra large but still get the error. i am passing only few selected piles into the get location node rather than beams or pile caps or any other element.

any ideas or suggestions as to why python is failing? or how can i use same workflow to say convert current position to say Project base or survey point based location?
Appreciate if you can provide some guidance on this.
thanks again

Hi @sachin.menon,

You could try using the latest Genius Loci pack, it has these two nodes for transforming coordinates and works well :wink: hopefully that solves your issue :slight_smile: