Hi all,
I’m trying to convert survey points to the project base point coordinate system. I’ve a search through the forum and I came across a post by Mike_Wellink (Getting coordinate from base point or survey point) and I’ve tried to adopt the method mentioned by Kulkul, but for whatever reason it doesn’t work for my graph.
I’ve attached 3 snipping and the dyn to try to explain the logic.
Coordinates1.png shows the project in question the coordinates in blue are the survey coordinates, the red are the project coordinates and dimensions in green are the difference in Easting and Northing from the project basepoint.
Coordinates2.png shows the corresponding survey points circled in blue then are taken away from the project basepoint which gives me the change in Easting and Northing (which is circled in Green which ties up with green values from the previous png.
All good so far, then I fed these coordinates in to the geometry.transform and it seem to be pushing out survey coordinates not coordinates based on the project basepoint (see Coordinates 3 png).
I don’t know where I have gone wrong here. Your help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
co-ordinate system check.dyn (32.3 KB)