Convert a dynamo routine to a parametric family

Buen dia compañeros, quisiera saber si me pueden ayudar con una consulta, quisiera saber como puedo volver una rutina creada en Dynamo, pero que al momento de pasarla a Revit, pueda ver sus propiedades de tipo y poder modificar sus parametros directamente, adjunto una imagen para ver si me logro explicar la necesidad que tengo, muchas gracias.

Good morning colleagues, I would like to know if you can help me with a query, I would like to know how I can return a routine created in Dynamo, but when passing it to Revit, I can see its type properties and be able to modify its parameters directly, I attach an image to see if I can explain the need I have, thank you very much.

Same thing as the last post: Please use English so others can follow along and get better search results.

It sounds like you might be looking for user inputs. I would suggest starting with the DataShapes package for this. The problem is that user inputs on a Revit object aren’t really any different than modifying the parameters directly at that point. It would make more sense to modify the parameters within Dynamo so that the newly created element is accurate at creation.

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