Control the size of scope box


is it possible to controle / change the size off the scope boxes with Dynamo?
is it possible to controle where in revit the scope boxes are placed?

Nico Stegeman

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The Modelical package has nodes called Get Scope Boxes and Scope Boxes to Views that could maybe help to build a Python script for redimensioning…

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Hi Yna_Db

Hi, can RevitBoundingBox.FromDynamoBoundingBox generate a scope box in Revit? I think we miss a node between this one and Scope Boxes to Views, or not?

Hi Yna_Db

I don’t have much experince with Python. I m just getting to know something about visual studio (C#) and Python.

I saw in a topic the following message in a reaction made by Konrad Sobon:

bear in mind that there is virtually ZERO exposed API around them (scope Boxes) so your options are limited to very few things

In Dynamo i found a node called RevitBoundingBox.FromDynamoBoundingBox.
When i look in de list or watch node dynamo created a revit.DB.BoundingboxXYZ but in revit there is no scope box.
is a revit boundingbox the same as a Scope Box?

No, it’s not, and if I plug an Object.Type node to check, scope boxes appears as unknown objects in Dynamo. But Modelical nodes give us some clues. I’m not proficient in Python yet, but someone else will probably help :slight_smile:

Yes I miss a node
A node wich create a scope box
or change the size off the scope box

Gently ask @T_Pover maybe :relaxed:

I am looking also in to the script off Jeremy Tammik
that will probely have some clues

October 02, 2013
Set View Section Box to Match Scope Box for Revit 2014

but a the moment its for me abracadabra :slight_smile:

As an introduction:


To my knowledge, the API does not offer anything for creation or modification of scope boxes geometry.

This means that no matter what programming language you use, it’s probably not going to happen unfortunately.

We are limited by what the Revit API allows. :rolling_eyes:


Thanks John

I thought it already after reading different post on the forum about almost the same problems ::slight_smile:

In the API i found that scope box is called volume of interest:


Duplicating an existing scope box can be done with Duplicate Element from Data-Shapes

and now i want to change de size of the scope box

and place

Well, just so that we can close this issue.

No, you cannot CREATE or MODIFY scope boxes using Dynamo nor any other programming language. Just like @john_pierson said, it was not exposed in the API, hence not available.



Thanks Konrad, John and Yna

These anwers saves me a lot of unnecessary time

Lets hope that it is possible in the future
