Configure the calculation of pieces

Hello, I want to know if there is a solution to make multiple room dividers in the middle of walls so that I can automatically calculate the sellable areas inside a building (the room boundary being the center of the interior wal

Thank you.

Could you provide a sketch of what it is you’re after?
Dynamo can place room separation lines to my knowledge, so this might well be possible

I want to place room separation in the middle of all walls of type A, for example, I want to know if it will be possible with Dynamo.

Yes this is possible, I can look to draft an example.
However I would ask why, since Revit will not be happy with walls and room separation lines overlapping

Example using one node from Clockwork (RoomSeparator.FromCurve).
You will need to edit the wall filtering to be suitable for your model.

You have to make Walls not Room Bounding then.
But in my opinion Area Plans is the way to go for this

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Revit will detect the separation lines over walls when I uncheck ‘room bounding,’ I will try to work with this script. Thank you very much

Area plans are the best way to accomplish this, and they can be generated via Dynamo as well.

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