Conduit Tee junction

Convert CAD lines to Revit conduit models, but the tee junctions are not generated

Like this…

Elbow created perfectly…

Hi @VijayS you will need pair your conduits/connectors up and use another node for your T

Not understood.

Marked lines are not generating.

allright…try something here i use openmep package here for fittings…but guess mepover has as well…

ps be sure your lines is split in all intersection

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Thank you so much for quick response! let me check.

How can I get this custom node?

Got it…

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you cant, its just some private DYF i have made for training,pratice python, but when my package is finish and tested, i will probably publish…maybe…but you could just use ootb and mepover,openmep should work as well

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Which node can I use instead of the above node?

try ootb get.location

yes should do the same in this case…and will give it as list, even when only select one element…so not exackly the same :wink:

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getting error

seems a unit thing are yoy in meters? or something else


not sure but when i look at your preview i dont think any elbow, or T fitings needed, seems just create straight conduits on straight lines…probably wrong

Getting error