Conditions in user interface (Data-Shapes package)

Hi all,

I am using Data-Shapes for a moment and it’s a very interesting package ! Well Done @Mostafa_El_Ayoubi !

I was wondering if it is possible to have conditions in the user interface.
What I mean is if I have 2 inputs in the interface, first one a drop down data with the list of categories and second one with the list of element types. Can the list of element types be ajusted when the user choses a category ? Like if he choses “Wall” category, he would have only the list of wall types in the second list. That would be great !

Hi @Zaara-786 ,
I totally see what you mean. That’s actually something I’ve worked on in the past but never finished . I think I’ll get back to it sometime soon . I will post on the blog whenever it’s ready :slight_smile:


In the meantime could you use two UI nodes, one for the category, click run, and then have one for the element?

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Great ! Thanks @Mostafa_El_Ayoubi

Yes @jacob.small, that’s what I am doing for the moment :slight_smile: