I’m trying to combine separated text, found this old video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eRbMu-umXXA , and my current version of REVIT is missing some of the nodes … how do I find the current equivalent?
(Dynamo) Packages.
You can use a code block.
In the code block type something like this:
[A + B + “or text like this”]
(where A is one lot of text and B is another that you feed into the code block).
Thank you, Alien,:
I’m new to dynamo and don’t quite understand what you mean, would you please provide a graphic example?
If you can’t find the equivalent nodes from OOTB Dynamo to merge the text and create the Textnote, look at installing Archilab, Rhythm and/or Clockwork packages.
- When I search packages, RYTHM doesn’t appear.
- How do I use these packages?
I appreciate all the information, but I’m new to all this … Can some please just show me how to assemble this script?
I already did?
Just to confirm, it’s spelled Rhythm and not Rythm.
Once you install those packages, you will have access to their custom nodes, which you can use to re-create the script as it was done in the YouTube video from the link in your original post.