Combining list, filling out empty values while keeping the same length


I am stuck with my script, I tried searching for it, I am probably using the wrong keywords.

I want to assign a parameter value depending on if the Room’s Name contains a certain word in it.
So every room which has office in their name, receives an A1 value. Every Toilet A2 and so on.

My issue right now is, that I get 3 different sublists, however I want to combine them together and fill out the parameter value where it’s empty.
What am I missing?

Feels like String.Join ought to do the trick. Use a blank string as the separator. Might need to create a list of values and transpose first though. Hard to tell.

Your 3 sublists dont add up. If you combine the lists together youd end up with blank spaces, what is your plan for that?

All the sublists are the same length as there was no filtering happening, just teating a value and generating a new one or an empty string based on an if node, so join should work fine.

finished script, if someone needs it.

thank you @jacob.small

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