List - match wall lengths by name

Hello everyone, was wondering if i could match these two lists that I have here.

I have wall names & wall lengths but was wondering if I could combine these lists so that the wall name matches with the wall length and vice versa.

  • Wanted to know if I could separate them by level? not sure if that’s possible. Any feedback will be greatly appreciated, thanks!

Combine the two list with - List > Transpose
You would need to pull the level info and add that to the combined list or filter ahead of time. (I’d do it after.)

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They are already in separate sublists for each level the way you have taken them:
This is representing the level.

Oh yea i did see that, went over my head a bit.

Is there a way i could combine all the data to match each other?

I guess maybe even make an excel sheet exporting level, wall type, and length?

You can try the List.GroupByKey node :slight_smile: I created a proxy of your graph (Don’t have the Excel file), but you can switch out my entire graph after the All Elements of Category into your graph after your Select.ByCategoryAndLevel node.

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Sorry for the late reply, I haven’t touched the script for a bit. I’ve just tried this out, maybe I’m not doing it correctly but its giving me the “dereferencing a non-pointer” error.

You might have a null or empty somewhere in that list, but you also can’t use GroupByKey on sublists. You’ll need to apply (@L2) list levels to have it sort each sublist individually.

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Hey Nick, thanks for the reply! I actually realized I had an issue with the “parametername” I wanted to get the length so ive changed it. It seems like now im getting the proper information I’ve wanted by using the @L2 function. Let me know if it looks correct to you, It looks like its matching to me but I need a better set of eyes on it. Thanks.

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Can’t say for sure without seeing all of the outputs, but that should be the correct setup.

Thanks Nick! I have another problem haha. Not sure if I should start another topic for this.

But now that I have that information. Is there anyway I can export that to some list that can be a bit easier to read.

I’m trying to export it to excel (im sure this is probably the easiest way) but I want it to show it well.

Wall 1 Wall 2
10 12

Not sure if theres a way to do that? Again I can start another topic if needed.

Sounds like a new topic. Mark the solution for this one and start a new thread. You can always reference this thread in the new one if you need to.

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Great! Thanks Nick!