I have a curtain wall, which contains curtain panels of a single (the same) family type.
I would like to paint one, or two curtain panels into red color:
How can I do this? I tried to override graphic settings, but didn’t seem to work:
I think your first graph should work as well, if you also add a proper input to the projectionFillPattern. At least that’s how I remember it from the last time I used it.
The way I understand the reply from Elie, is that I can’t override graphic settings of a family type, but instead I need to override graphic settings of its sub elements.
So essentially if an element does not have subelements, I can override its graphic settings. That’s how I understood it.
I just had time to test myself - it’s correct that the Dynamo override doesn’t work for the nested family. I didn’t catch that quickly.
The solid fill pattern would be needed though if you use OverrideGraphicSettings.ByProperties.
As a side note it is kind of weird that right click > override in view > by element works for the whole element, but calling the same from Dynamo does not work.