Change wall width from excel by wall name

Hey everyone.
I’m trying to create wall type layers and their widths.

First step is to change wall width from excel file by names. I need to filter the wall types from excel that i want to change its width ( [2] ). Existing walls ([1] )
How can i filter the names and assign new wall width?
From Excel_Wall Width.dyn (35.5 KB)

Walls.xlsx (21.2 KB)

Out of curiousity. How can an end user tell what wall to choose when needing to draw
a wall with a certain thickness?

I couldn’t understand clearly

I couldn’t understand clearly

My question was a bit off-topic
But lets say you have renamed all the walls and someone else have to model a wall with
a width of 18.05. How can they tell which wall to use?

Now on-topic.

I think it is best to break up your question a bit.
Can you give an example of which walls you need filtered out of the list?

I need to filter the wall types from excel that i want to change its width ( [2] ). Existing walls ([1] )

How can i filter the names

and assign new wall width?

Each wall types would have their own unique names and they must already been created.

Dynamo needs to match existed wall names with the names in excel.

In excel wall widths are given.I want to find a method :

  1. Change wall width by the excel values
    2.If i achieve 1st step , i want to create layers in wall types.Maybe there must be a column for layer count in excel. for example:

wall-1 / 2 layers / wall_layer-1 / wall_layer-2
wall-2 / 5 layers / wall_layer-1 / wall_layer-2 / wall_layer-1 / wall_layer-4 / wall_layer-5
3.After creating wall layers we need to assign widths of wall layers
4.Assigning materials from excel to the layers