Filtering wall type names

I’m trying to filter out some of wall types which method can i use?
My 1st goal is finding and listing the widths of the walls i want to…

Get the width parameter of each wall.
Use the == node to find the walls that match your chosen width.
Use FilterByBoolMask to get your chosen walls.

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Please don’t duplicate posts. If you have additional information or you’re not getting the help you’re wanting, update the original with more specifics.
Change wall width from excel by wall name - Revit - Dynamo (

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I posted litle piece of that topic .Sometimes its easy to give short examples.

That’s fine, but posting duplicate questions is against forum rules. Breaking down a request into simpler parts is a good idea but they either need to be contained within a single post or broken out into separate topics. This is for your benefit as well as others who may be following your post or looking for similar solutions.

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I could only found 1 :slight_smile: What did i wrong?

Set only one of the inputs to use list levels on the == node. Right now you’re still forcing each item to only check its respective partner instead of all items in the corresponding list.

Thanks . I tried almost every possible combination

At L1 is what you want. Which input you use depends on which way you’re sorting your values. Either you sort the elements to match the excel values or you sort the excel values to match the elements. The issue now is that you need to apply each masking list to the elements (or excel values) to get the results. That would be @L2 for FilterByBoolMask.

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Now I’m outta office.
L1 for == node , L2 for bool mask right? I will try it by tomorrow. Thanks


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I think we solved this case. If i try to use this values for an input , should i remove “Empty List” or can i use them as it was?

That depends on what you’re doing next. Normally you would flatten that list which gets rid of the empty lists, but if you need to maintain those original placements you would have to replace the empty list with a null or empty string first. Again, it just depends on what your original structure was and what you’re doing with the data afterwards.