Change (Placeholder) Sheet Number by key - Excel List

Hi everyone

I need help with this one. I would like to change my Sheet Number from our company standard, to a Client specific. The problem is that we use Placeholder Sheets, and what I got so far, wont let me change the number for the placeholder Sheets.

What i want is to get all Sheets (included the Placeholder), and look at one column in a Excel spreadsheet, and if it is there, change the number to the one on the column next to it.
So changing the Sheet Numbers from a key, sort of…?

I have looked around, and from Clockwork a found a “List.MatchWithKeyValues” definition. But I don’t think I use it proper.

Below is my WIP… It kind of works, besides it doesn’t take the Placeholder Sheets, and therefore ends up being wrong… :expressionless: