Change modelled floor to foundation

Hi Forum,

We have a structural model where a lot of slab elements have been modeled as “floors” category but we have to change it to the “structural foundations” category.

I not aware of any functionality in Revit that lets me do this so i suppose with dynamo it should be possible.
Is there a way to grab all the delimitation points of a selected floor and rebuilt a structural foundation over the existing floor?
Unfortunately i have no idea where to start.
Any advice will be highly appreciated.
thanks in advance

Hi @pipapongo0909

You could extract the solid for floors in dynamo and use custom nodes from spring nodes package “DirectShapeByGeometry” to convert to “Structural Foundations” category and finally delete all the floors. Good Luck!

hi @Kulkul,
thanks for the starting point. i’ll give that a shot and post my solution.