Change colour of selected model elements in view that has an empty parameter value


I am trying to change the colour of all the selected columns in my graphical column schedule to red if their ‘Mark’ parameter is empty. My script works but only with a single selected element. I believe it is to do with the ‘List.Equals’ node. when i select multiple elements, some with full parameters i get a false value or when i select multiple elements that all have blank parameters i get a false.
Any idea how i can alter to work?
first image shows the graph working with one selected element that has an empty mark parameter:

second image shows the graph failing due to multiple elements selected:

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



Try this:

Hi Johannes,

Thank you. That works perfectly!


Any idea why the port of ‘color picker’ changes everytime i run the graph, close and re-open? i have to re route the exit port to the first one every time i open the graph. This means it does not work with Dynamo player.



I have changed the ‘color picker’ node to ‘color pallette’ node and works great.


You have already found an answer as far as I see. But this might help you also for future similar problems.

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Hey there, i recreated this Skript the only only difference for me is that i don´t have empty something. I want to change colour by < or > 1. I read a lot of post about changing colour by parameter value, but this approach seems the most efficient for me.
Unfortunately, it does not put out a right “false” and “true” whatever i try in the == node. Could someone help where i am wrong? Thank a lot!