Can't open some programs. Programs work on a colleague's computer

I am new to dynamo. I just needed to open a program that colleague has created.
For some reason It works on his computer and on mine not.

I habe the last version of Dynamo.
The only reason why it doesn’t not work is that it might habe collision with add-in like Geberit.

Otherwise I have no clue why could be possible cause.

Could somebody help please?

Best Regards

Just to be sure.
You also have the same Packages?
Also WHAT isn’t working?
Do you have errors?

Can I buy a vowel?

Code doesn’t open at all. When I open file I don’t get any code blocks. On the other hand it is working and opening on colleague’s computer. It is specific only for programs that colleague has made. Default programs from software itselft are opening and working.

I don’t have any packages. Or I don’t know what do you mean by that?

I have additinal sowftares for revit.

I don’t get any errors. Simply software doesnt open a programs. Or it opens and all interface is empty

Can you do a quick screen recording showing what you see and post it to a file sharing service of some sort?

If not we’ll need some more questions answered:
Can you open Dynamo or do you not see the window at all?
Can you start a new graph from the Home Screen and place a few new nodes and wires, or it’s it just blank?
Can you open other graphs, or just the one from the colleague?
When you open the graph, do you see any change in the UI?
Once you try to open, can you access the Dynamo menu at the top?

You could also try reaching out to my colleagues in support by submitting a ticket on the accounts portal at

Do you have the same Revit Version? If you create a .dyn-file in Revit 2023 it can occure that you can’t open it in Revit 2019 for example. Happened to me with a .dyn-file i created myself.

Install the Dynamo Future File package to resolve these sort of issues (and if it doesn’t resolve please let us know here). :slight_smile:


I can’t as we are not allowed to use packages in our company :no_mouth:

Thanks Jacob. It works with Dynamo Future package :slight_smile:

Thank you all for your support :slight_smile: