Cant install package due to file path name length

Hi, how can I install this? Cant change the directory to install. Anyone want to send me a zip file of the latest package I can copy into the folder?


Hello…you could try download from web…

managed to download it, but the zip file comes with a funny name. I extracted it to the right location. Put the right name for the package folder but it dosnt read in dynamo. Maybe because I had to skip copying 4 files because of a directory path length

@Karam_Baki any chance of reducing some of the file name sizes? 4 or 5 of them quite long

Hi… just rename the folder…and remember unblock the file after download


Hello @vanman I’ve actually been receiving such reports
Can you list me those script ? I’ll be glad to happy to solve this issue

@solamour This is the issue I talked with you about. looks like some scripts actually makes the path exceed 256

Sol’s out on paternity leave, so I’m not sure how quickly this will get to him. I’ll escalate to the dev team for him. Sadly I’m not sure how much we’ll be able to do in the near term as the file structure is pretty much set in stone until a major release which is over a year out; might be able to flag or truncate file names over a certain length as a stopgap measure, but reducing longer file names is likely a good cal for now.

I hate how common this issue is though… This is the 3rd such issue which I’ve come across in the last month - first ever with Dynamo though.

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Always unzip with 7-zip as it removes the mark of the web. :slight_smile:

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I think it’s important to note that in windows 10 - after a certain version you can actually opt-in to long file path support - barring other solutions this may work:


Thanks man, BTW do you have any videos or instructions of your topo tunneling?
