Can't find a node i need in Rhythm package

hi I’m new to dynamo and this maybe a very basic question. i wrote my first script to copy parameter value from a Type parameter to another instance parameter in the same family. It works fine to copy from instance to instance parameter but not from typeaw some people us to instance i looked up i se a node from Rhythm package call "SetParameterByName(TypeOrInstance) " to replace my old node “Element.setParameterByName” will fix i guess. so install the package but still cant find the node. just wonder is it because its an older version of the package ? if so how can i reinstall the new version? and i also anyone know if there is other way to fix my script ? thank you.
sorry i dont know how t

Can you upload an image export of your graph and link us to an example workflow? It’s really hard to know where the breakdown is from a description otherwise.

Welcome to the forum. :slight_smile:

Hi Here goes the script image . thank you for ur reply btw JacobSmall

When you run what are the values your getting on watch nodes?

So this is the first time i run the script and it work well when i copied value from " Fire rating" which is a type parameter to "Fire rating ( Instance) " which is an instance share parameter.

Then here’s the problem come when i tried to copy value from a " Glass Type" which is a type parameter ( shared parameter) to another share parameter ( instance) “door style” . it did copy the value correctly but this time come with warnings i just wonder it will cause any problem later on?
note that " Fire rating" maybe a family default parameter that i cant edit. so i guess there are something to do with it ?
thanks ahead for your reply :slight_smile:

You need to remove null values. Do this changes then your good to go.

This node is still in the latest version of rhythm.

Also, pushing an update to the package manager now with these nodes inside.

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Thank you this works so well and i learn some new things . this is very helpful. Thanks a lot :slight_smile:

Hi John, thank you for your respond.