Set Parameter By Name not recognising parameter

Hi all, hopefully a quick fix, I’m blaming my Monday brain for not solving it:
I’m trying to write a quick fix script to update a parameter value with what is currently (and erroneously) in another parameter.
However, Dynamo is not recognising the target parameter as existing. I’ve confirmed my spelling etc is correct, and the Shared Parameter in question is definitely set to be included with the item class (Family System in this case).
Where am I going wrong?

I don’t know what comes out of the All Element of Category node, can you show that?

You can try to put an element.elementtype node in between this and the Set parameterbyName Node

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The window indicates an element type, not an element instance.

You have grabbed all the elements, not their types as @Joelmick indicated.

To set the parameter value you’ll need to first make sure that each element’s value for NBSReference is unique per the type as each type can only have one value per parameter. if you need variable parameter values per reference you’ll need to change the Uniclass Code to an instance parameter.

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Perfect, thanks.
I had to adjust the wires ever so slightly from your solution, but it works now. Thanks!

Yes that’s great thanks.
Both parameters are Type parameters, so that thankfully wasn’t an issue.
You were completely correct that i needed to be looking at Element Types rather than elements.

FYI, rhythm package has get and set nodes that work with both type and instance parameters.

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Yes but then you are depending on a package, in this case you are indepent and you can easily share scripts.