Can packages create incompatibilities?

I have Nathan’s awesome Lunchbox package installed and building a nice simple definition. If I now install another package , such as Arch-lab’s tools for unfolding or the bumblebee package, the lunchbox jodes turn yellow and report nulls. Anybody experienced this? Or perhaps knows a workaround?
Many thanks for the help.

I have never seen this happen before and I have both Lunchbox and Archi-lab installed

hi Konrad thanks for the reply, attached two screengrabs of my definition before and after I install Archi-lab practical nodes. Any thoughts?


Restarting Dynamo after installing Archi-lab packages clears nulls… feeling sheepish.

[quote=“o.calderon, post:4, topic:4257”]
Restarting Dynamo after installing Archi-lab packages clears nulls… feeling sheepish.
[/quote] That’s good, but there is no indication in Dynamo that that would be required.

Like many other things in Revit: YOU JUST HAVE TO KNOW.

@truevis That’s good you are mentioning this, but its not a right place to complain. Please bring up grievances/functionality requests on Dynamo’s Git Hub page:

Thank you!

I was trying to help @o.calderon not feel too sheepish. Working with Revit / Dynamo is just like that.

Everyone appreciates your wonderful contributions, @Konrad_K_Sobon.

thank you all. I am just a kid (older) trying to learn dynamo.

All the best,