CAD to Revit piping with fittings

Hi @martinm, let me start with welcoming you to the community.

The Create Pipe from DWG - Packages - Dynamo ( I shared did only covert line to pipe because the CAD style we use is single line (no additions for pipe and/or connections). It was fixed with the help of @T_Pover.

Because the dynamo script converts the line to pipe type chosen (and therefore its routing), it did not make fittings (the ones you want it to make) (that does not mean it should not). I had the same question back then. But I did not have the time at that moment to dive in to that.: Create Pipe from DWG - #32 by T_Pover

@T_Pover That’s possible, but it requires a lot of planning in Dynamo. There’s a few nodes in MEPover package for creating fittings like Elbows, Tees and Taps as well.

It should be a fantastic addition. Like @T_Pover sugested there are some nodes in MEPover.

I share what I can/know, so other people can build on it, like people did for me. @martinm you are welcome.


G. van Beers

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