Bridge Elements

Any tool suggestions on how to best incorporate and display bridge elements (cable, deck, abutment, pier/pylon and from dynamo to Revit for this Dynamo Bridge Image:

Hi @asiric805 …do you want it with native families or direct shape ?

With native families for simplicity.

whitch revit version are you in ? here an exemple with springs "family instance by geometry "

I am in a 2023 update.

Great then you can use that node i shown :wink:

Thanks @sovitek!

you are welcome :wink:

Any suggestions on how to edit this thread topic so as to drop the word “Revit”…its showing up in lots of searches.

Hi @asiric805 you want the topic only contain “bridge element” ?, and which categori ? should that be revit / geometry ?

i have renamed to “Bridge elements” and categori Revit Dynamo, Geometry, hope it was what you mean :wink:

Hi @sovitek, this works, thanks!

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