I am trying to change imported categories lines property using Revit2020 and bimorhpNodes 4.1.2.
I have the following error symptoms:
Weight and color don’t work.
The problem in both cases is a failure to provide the required inputs.
With your Color.Red node:
- Its unresolved (it has no color input).
- The node does not return the required type (Color) to satisfy the color input of the BimorphNode.
To resolve, remove your Color.Red node and input a color into the BimorphNode.
With line weight the problem is you haven’t satisfied all the required inputs into the BimorphNode; you need to input a color as well.
If the top of any node is light grey it means its unresolved / hasn’t executed. The basics of Dynamo are explained in the Dynamo primer.
Thank you.
What I was worried about has been resolved.
It was a layer change to be applied in the drafting view.
Linked dwg files organized in layers 1 to 9.
It is for the work of changing the thickness and color of the head.
importlnstance_layer_change.dyn (112.2 KB)