Hi to everyone, firstly I am a beginner of this amazing world.
My actual situacion is the following:
In my project I have inserted some dwg files. Now I need to select the properties of some layers (colours and type of line).
My first problem is “How can I select a specific dwg imported?”
Thanks for every advice, AD
Select Model Element node would be a good place to start.
Easy and simple
. I have seen that a imported file dwg is classified like “ImportInstance”… very interesting (for a beginner like me
Thanks Jacob.
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Hi @jacob.small and everybody. I would like to update my problem. Thanks to jacob’s help, yesterday I have “moved” my first steps.
I share with you the image of my scripts (it works!)
Regards AD
PS I still have some problem to change “LinePattern”, but when I’ll solve it I’ll update the script
PPS Of corse I had to downloaded the “BIMorphNodes” package