Batch adding Shared Parameters from a Shared Param file

Hey All,

I’m building a graph that takes a list of parameters (shared) and brings them all into Revit (2021) en masse (and currently for all categories) - however I’m getting an index out of range error back on the code block node (see image). I’m using Data-Shapes 2022.2.103 but I sense the issue may be around using multiple input forms and list views.

Can anyone offer any pointers where I might need to amend the graph/where I’m going wrong?


Can you post the outputs of this node?

And this node?

Sure and thanks Sean for responding

path refers to a .txt SP file on my desktop

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Ok, so the two empty lists on the List Create node is causing the issue. Now to find out why. Could you post another picture with the previews of the categories node and both listview nodes please?

Sure - the inputs look to be working fine, just then list views are giving an empty list back. Could running them concurrently be an issue?

Do you have the latest version of Data Shapes installed?

Any thoughts @Mostafa_El_Ayoubi ?

Pretty sure I do…(latest D|S package installed)

Hey All,

Since got around this by dropping the list view data for now - however calling multiple categories via a code block isn’t playing ball (only does OST_Ceilings in this case below). Could someone point me in the right direction with calling multiple categories to assign Shared Parameters to? Unless I use Autodesk.Revit.DB.Categories to call all?
