Thank you really for this nice answer . I have read somewhere that DirectShapes could give better results in family files. I will give it a try…
Update: This should work (just to mention it, Springs.DirectShape.ByGeometry is from spring nodes):
Thank you really for this nice answer . I have read somewhere that DirectShapes could give better results in family files. I will give it a try…
Update: This should work (just to mention it, Springs.DirectShape.ByGeometry is from spring nodes):
Hi Jessica, I am so glad it worked!
Would you be able to share the final script, so I can give it a try as well?
Good luck!
The best would be to build it by yourself to fully understand the process (and also how long it takes)
Here is how I did it finally:
Hi @Francisco_Farias,
thank you for your nice words.
@Yna_Db is right. For me it was a big help to re-build the script on my own, because only then I understood what’s going on…
Anyhow, if you don’t want to re-built it on your own, just let me know, then I will offer you the file of course.
Best regards,
Again thank you thank you thank you @Yna_Db.
I will mark this comment as solved.
From my side, all is clear at the Moment.
But maybe new questions will arise later…
Wish you all a nice Weekend and really thank you so much to all of you!!!
Best regards,
Perfect! This topic is solved and must be closed, otherwise its length will make it non-understandable. Please open a new one for further issues, where it will always be possible (and recommended) to integrate links to something unclear or incomplete here. Many thanks
Yes. Definitely.
Thank you!
I am going to go a head close this.