Hi there
It’s my first question in the forum so, I hope I could do it well.
I’ve been working on a graph that could help me to tag multiple elements specifically structural colums, the parameter I’m tagging is “BIMSF_Label” so I have columns with different Labels the one I’m using in this example is “S0”. By the way It’s “working”, the view selection by data shapes is working, I get the Structural columns in the views with the parameter that I want, that in this case is “S0”, but the node “Tag.ByElementAndLocation” that I’m using to tag the elements doesn’t work because it only put the tags in one view and put the tags in the same position, I mean the node “Tag.ByElementAndLocation” only get the location of one element and in that location puts all the other tags.
I couldn’t be able to upload the graph, but if some is interested, I could send it by email. thanks
I would want to get this result, thanks I will appreciate any help, best regards and happy hollydays
(104) Auto Tag in multiple views 2D 3D in Revit with Dynamo - YouTube