I’m new here and new to Dynamo and only a year or so with Revit. I have been searching, so if this has already been discussed somewhere please let me know as I can’t find what I am looking for.
I am trying to create assembly views based off of the assembly name. I am using Tool.AssemblyViews which from what I have observed takes instances not type.
For example, I have 5 assemblies and I only want to create the views for the “Test” assemblies.
Test 001
Test 002
Other 001
Other 002
Other 003
I can get it to filter by the Type Name, but I can’t find a way to then make that list go back to its instance ID that then goes into Tool.AseemblyViews.
Any help would be greatly appreciated as I feel like I am missing something simple.
@Jan_Secnik I wasn’t filtering after All Elements of Type because I simply didn’t know how or if it was possible. I believed there was a way, but I’m still very new to Dynamo and the logic/syntax of coding it correctly. I was so focused on Type Name that I thought I needed to take the family instance to family type first to filter.
Mark (@MJB-online), Thank you! I knew there was a way, but I just don’t have that experience yet. It is much more simple than what I was attempting to do. Thank you for the “Unique Assembly Instances” too. I have lots to learn.