2019.2.27 Node error (Door Set Handing)

NOTE: this is a cross-post from an issue report in the archi-lab github repo ( I thought it would be helpful if others are having the same issue. Also to let the Dynamo team know about this issue if they are not already aware.

I’m using Revit 2020.1 and Dynamo Revit 2.1.0 (Core 2.2.1)
and found an error with a node in the 2019.2.27 package
with the node: Door Set Handing. it is missing the “Door(s)” input
If I open the node and explore this is what I see

it appears that in the newer versions of Dynamo the ( ) are not allowed in the input names? If I remove the ( ) the node works fine

I can save the changes to my local version, and the node will work fine.

Thanks, @Konrad_K_Sobon for your great packages and work you do for the Dynamo Community!


Try this update?

Thanks @john_pierson that did the trick, I guess I should have looked for a new package first.

All good now, the tread can be closed.