Hi guys!
So, kind of a dynamo noobie here.
But I can say that I have tried to find my answer in the forums and other places online!
The goal is:
To have a “info” table, with data, that will populate an specific Annotation Symbol with Parameters, in multiple Drafting views, Like 1 instance of that Annotation in 1 Drafting View, AND, later on, Each Drafting View with 1 Annotation Symbol on a different Sheet.
Imagine that i want to make a report inside revit, where the annotation symbol contains a “template” of parameters, and i want to get each ROW from the excel file on ONE instance of that annotation, inside ONE Drafting View and THAT onto Sheets, individuals. Like building a report, where each sheet gets info from one material, lets say.
Lets say that we have an excel sheet with X columns and lots of rows, right?
Teste.xlsx (8.5 KB)
AnnotationSymbolTest.dyn (38.2 KB)
And this is the Annotation Symbol: (also attached)
So, with the attached dynamo , I was able to create drafting views with the “Parameter1” Name - Ok, first step done.
Now, I’m struggling to find a way to create instances of “texto1” Annotation Symbol, filled with parameters inside those Drafting Views Created.
AND now, I need to create sheets (one for each drafting view), and place drafting views onto those sheets.
Any help?
Thanks a lot!!