All views was incorrect to the center of sheet


Help me please!!!
I make a Dyn for creat and place views on sheets, but after run all views was incorrect to the center of sheet like picture. Please tell me way to fix that.

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Can you repost your graph image with the node previews turned on so we can actually see what’s going on? That way we can give specific direction on what to change.

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yes…Can you see it :sweat: :sweat:

There are more ways to do this.
This is one of the ways:

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This is what I meant by “node preview”, so that we could see the data you’re passing through the nodes, but as @jw.vanasselt pointed out, you’ll want to use a node that takes a point location for placing your view. The node you’re using places the view at a default location, which I would guess is at the origin, not the center of your titleblock.


Is that?
I’m a newbie, so sorry :sweat:

That is because you have a - value as index:
You ask him to get a index that not exist.



with index = -1, it don’t create sheet but all sheet was created, views was incorrect to the center :frowning: I think the NODE take wrong base point to place views on sheets

I think it place to the origin point, So how can I make them place to the center point? :disappointed_relieved:

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Can you share you’re script, excel and rvt file?

Try researching some more on the forums. There are a ton of posts like this one. The idea is that you have to get the dimensions of the viewport you’re placing and the location of the title block. Then you can calculate the offset needed to get the viewport centered in the title block.

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