All element of category errors

Hi, I am trying to change the type of material for all walls to glass or any other material. but it’s not working with me

Warning: Element.SetParameterByName operation failed. No parameter found by that name.

try use set compound layer material node from clockwork package

I tried but it’s working with the first list just not all walls

You need wall types to set compound layer. Use forum search to find many topics related to this. Below is one of them:

actually i used it but it’s working with the first list just not all walls

Could you share the relevant files here?

materials.dyn (48.5 KB) this is dynamo file but revit file is too large so i can’t upload it … can you create a new file with different types of walls?

Dynamo file not required.

Use Google drive/Dropbox or similar and share the link here.

it’s dynamo 2.3 revit file

@Kulkul do you get it?

Thanks for sharing the rvt file. You can do this way:

Here is dyn file:
For MAI.dyn (12.2 KB)

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yes it’s working now thanks @kulkul