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Hello, I am looking for a dynamo or revit solution on how to retrieve a surface parameter of a volume and add it to a caption of a sheet.
Original Post below.
Bonjour je cherche une solution dynamo ou revit sur comment faire pour récupérer un parametre surface d un volume et l ajouter dans un libellé d une feuille .
@bichricad28 the official forum language is English. This is a requirement to make search work. Please translate all future posts like I did above.
What have you tried to make this work? The question is very open, and the intent of the forum is to help users learn how to solve issues on their own, which is difficult to do with ‘provide me a graph’ requests.
Likely a simple schedule would do the trick, no Dynamo required, but we’d need more to know.
i also tried to do the same, but i can’t. can anybody please help?
Hi @bichricad28,
can you explain more about what you wan to do, for example, what is the relationship of the volume to the sheet? is there a way to map the volume to the sheet?