In C3D 2023 we use the ObjectExtensions.AddXData to add Payitems to objects in one of our graphs.
I can’t find similar nodes in 2025.
Is there a way to do this in 2025 or no we need to create a node for this?
In C3D 2023 we use the ObjectExtensions.AddXData to add Payitems to objects in one of our graphs.
I can’t find similar nodes in 2025.
Is there a way to do this in 2025 or no we need to create a node for this?
It’s on the list for The Civil Nodes.
But Pay Items, is that not available in Camber?
Else, it is a bit tricky but it works, you can send a command like this:
Actually you make two Command Line calls. The first one is to select an object by Handle, so you can replace the hardcoded handle in that Code Block with a parameter, to be more flexible. The second line adds XData to an object. The “L” is to select the last object, which you have selected in the previous command by Handle. The empty line closes the XDATA command.
You can’t replace “L” with the Lisp call, the XDATA command itself is Lisp and you will receive an error.
In the drawing, this is the result:
As said, it works… (But I would not rely on that too much )
In Camber there is nodes for payitems but they are meant to be used within code set styles so we had to cut the elephant in another way.
Not sure if I can find the correct node but this is the one I search for a replace for
no, it will be a little bit tricky because we do a lot of stuff in a sequence and there will be a very large number of solids, lines and circles (a couple of 100 up to a couple of thousand) that we will select and add XData on.
I’m working on this in The Civil Nodes, and I hope to release a new version end of this week. Then you can add XData to objects.
You don’t need to mention the type of the values. Doubles and Integers are found by their type and the rest is converted to a string.
@Anton_Huizinga you are the true Dynamo Santa