Add target info to region

I’m trying to create a scrypt that can help me automate the process of corridormodeling intersections.
For and intersection I need to add two offset and two elevation targets to the corridor. I am using the node CorridorExtensions.AddTargetInfoToRegion. Even though it’s given two elevation targets (one profile, one featureline) the node only adds one target. And if I’m later adding the other one, it overwrites all the targets and only the last one added reimains.
Here’s a picture of my scrypt:

But in the corridormodel only one elevation target gets added:

Is that the way this node works - only adds one target at once and every new target overwrites the previous one? Or is there another way to solve this issue?

Thanks in advance

How is the levels for the input that comes from the node outside of the picture? Have you tried to change that?

And have you tried to split the ”SetTarget” and ”AddTargetInfotoRegion” in processes nodes instead of combine the inputs in one list?

Thanks for the reply.

Yes I tried changing the levels, the issue remained. But when I splitted the corridor itself into two regions (I dont need to add two offset and elevation targets into one cross section) it started to work.

As you can see, there is a split between regions where targets change.

And the final result is with vertical, Top and Datum surfaces.

So it works, not as smooth as I hoped for, but it works.
I’m no expert but I assume the issue comes from the CorridorExtensions.AddTargetInfoToRegion node. I believe It’s made to add only one target info at once, and when you try to do it again, it rewrites the previous one.

May I be right? Or is there actually a better solution which I’m unable to think at the moment?


Great it worked when you splitted to corridor, that will also give you a better designed intersection in that way.