Add target in corridor

Good days!
How can you add a target in the corridor?

I’m probably doing something wrong?
Or is this node for other purposes?
D4CD_Add Target in Corridor.dyn (17.9 KB)!AqZrweHw11Jog5IDzxG1XtZUQXPWPw?e=kiMdw3

Hi @durasovartyom, I am not sure, but it is maybe necessary to filter only one type of target info in region as in this example Civil 3D Toolkit Feedback thread - #688 by Paolo_Emilio_Serra1

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I was able to get this dynamo to work when the corridor is not using feature lines as baselines, but I typically use feature lines as baselines in my corridor and when I run the dynamo I get this error:

Warning: This operation on featureline-based baseline is invalid

Could someone help me out with this? I can share my CAD file if needed.

Thanks in advance for your time.

The warning says it all. Feature line-based corridors are not implemented in Dynamo at the moment.

Thanks @mzjensen

Is there any way to create a custom node using API that can implement that?