Dynamo civil 3d - add baseline regions


I’m a bit a beginner on dynamo for Civil 3D, I would like to update a corridor baselineregions through a EXCEL File but i could not find a fonction to add a region with a start station and EndStation.
Could anyone here help me please?

Thank you.


Try the C3DToolkit package. There are lots of corridor related nodes in it.


Thank you for your share. It is obviously very helpful using this package.
I would like however to use these nodes within a loop since I have hundreds of regions to add (from a Excel sheet list).
I assume that I should use a Python Script for this. Does anybody has an example for this use? I’m not very familiar with Python on Dynamo.

Thank you.

Hi @SoumeyaOueldTimijja,

You should be able to just pass in a list of stations to the node in order to create more than one region. No looping necessary.

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May this help you?

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Thank you @hosneyalaa. The script linked in your response worked for me.

Best Regards,

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